Artificial Bouquet 5 Strands Mini Peony with White Buds

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8.90  Lei
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Artificial Bouquet 5 Strands Mini Peony with White Buds

The bouquet is made up of 5 peonies with a diameter of 5cm and 3 buds with a diameter of 3cm

The total height of the bouquet is 32cm.

The Artificial 5 Wire Mini Peony Flower Bouquet is a wonderful representation of the elegance and beauty of nature, reproduced in an artistic and realistic way. This impressive bouquet is composed of five artificial peony flowers, accompanied by peony buds, which add a touch of freshness and hope.

Each flower and bud is meticulously crafted to reproduce the look and texture of the real natural peony. The delicate petals and vibrant colors are carefully crafted to provide an authentic feeling of freshness and beauty. Freshmen add an element of anticipation and joy, suggesting that beauty is always in the making and that there is always hope and possibility for wonderful things to come.

This artificial bouquet is perfect for bringing a touch of elegance and beauty to any space, whether it is used to decorate your home, office or for special events. With their durability and long-lasting beauty, these artificial flowers are a wonderful choice for those who appreciate natural beauty without having to worry about their maintenance.

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